资源名称:Flash Builder 4 & Flex 4 宝典 PDF

Flex 是 Macromedia(现已被Adobe公司收购)发布的presentation server(展现服务),它是java web container或者.net server的一个应用,根据.mxml文件(纯粹的xml描述文件和actionscript)产生相应得.swf文件,传送到客户端,由客户端的flash player或者shockwave player解释执行,给用户以丰富的客户体验。

A complete and thorough reference for developers on the new Flex 4 platform

Create desktop applications that behave identically on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux with Adobe's new Flash Builder 4 platform and this in-depth guide. The book's tutorials and explanations walk you step-by-step through Flash Builder's new, faster tools; the new framework for generating code; how to connect to popular application servers; upgrading from Flex 3; and much more.

* Shows you how to create rich applications for the Web and desktop with the very latest version of Flex, with detailed coverage for both new and veteran Flex application developers
* Walks you through Flex basics; upgrading from Flex 3; how to create desktop applications with AIR; and integrating Flex applications with the most popular application servers, including ColdFusion, ASP.NET, and PHP
* Includes extensive code samples of common tasks that you can use to jump-start your development projects

Flex your development muscles with the Flex 4 and this comprehensive guide.



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