小学数学180天 180-Days-of-Math(英文高清原版PDF)1-4年级


著名的Shell Education出版。全套应该是从K到六年级,目前在收费网站上只购得1-4年级的,喜欢的可以试用一下,也欢迎补充幼儿园及5-6年级的版本!

Consistent practice is the best way for students to develop math skills and confidence, at any grade level. 180 Days of Math provides workbook problems for each day of every school year, giving students ample time to use the skills they learn in class.

Each problem is tied to a specific mathematical concept, allowing students to master skills and prepare for the next level of learning. Students will practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, as well as tackling algebraic thinking, data analysis, logic problems, and more.

With educational activities that are correlated to College and Career Readiness and other state standards, 180 Days of Math helps to prepare students for the future. The daily activities are great as homework or as additional reinforcement of math concepts outside of class.

The 180 Days of Math workbook includes data-driven assessment tips and digital resources for parents and teachers, making diagnostics easy. Encourage elementary students to approach math with confidence, not fear, with daily practice!


每个问题都与一个特定的数学概念联系在一起,让学生掌握技能,为下一阶段的学习做准备。 学生将练习加法、减法、乘法和除法,以及处理代数思维、数据分析、逻辑问题等。

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